최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

북한 민족주의 형성과 反美 애국주의 교양

The Construction of Nationalism and Anti-Americanism as Patriotism in the Political Education in North Korea : Socialist Patriotism and National Crises

  • 96

North Korea distinguished the socialist nation from bourgeois nation that was considered as a historical product of capitalism. They asserted that during the time when the proletarian internationalism and patriotism stressed in the international communist movement. Anti-Americanism was mobilized in the ‘Aesthetic Education’ which instilled its people patriotism through cultural representation of the hostility of the U.S. The Political Idea Education concentrated on teaching students experiences of civilian massacres by the U.S. Forces during the Korean War, but also taught them to the families of residents. It was designed to lead to country’s social and cultural integration. Farmers were educated the ideology of patriotism by Minjuseonjeonsil during the wartime. Patriotism also spreaded wider during the process of the Agricultural Cooperation as a part of the Socialist Rebuilding Project. Patriotism came to have a growing affinity with anti-Americanism during the time of the War. Since the mid-1950s, Kim Il Sung modified previous theories of nationalism and asserted the primitive nationalism. From this theoretical perspective, it was that the analysis of bourgeois nationalism is an artificial approach. The primitive nationalism evolved into socialist patriotism in the late 1950s. Anti-American mass movements were carried out and socialist patriotism fully emerged at the time of the new international order and social change around 1958. Simultaneously, Sincheon Museum was just beginning to play a role as the hub of anti-Americanism. North Korea was in a national crisis when U.S. nuclear weapons were installed in South Korea. North Korea Worker’s Party chose an independence route when the Sino-Soviet border conflict broke out. This socialist patriotism became the precursor to and formed the core of the Juche ideology emerged in the mid-1960s. Unlike other socialist countries, North Korea had to rely on its independence, collectiveness and ethnicity as a national survival strategy. Because their nationalism was not just a product of internal factors, but also of external factors largely in relation to the United States. This reflected the national crises and anti-Americanism was instrumental as a vital element of nationalism.

1. 머리말

2. 애국주의와 반미 정치사상교양

3. 사회주의적 애국주의 등장의 국내외조건

4. 반미주의와 사회주의적 애국주의

5. 맺음말

