최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

동북공정 이후 중국 학계의 한국사 연구동향

Since Northeast Borderland History and the Chain of Events Research Project, a Tendency of Study about Korean History in the Chinese Academia

  • 111

Series Research Project(Northeast Borderland History and the Chain of Events Research Project = abbr. the Northeast Project )” sponsored and operated by Chinese history scholars, is completed in February 2007. This research pattern and style stirred up entanglements in historian circle and conflicts in national sentiment between Korea and China. Up to then, such situation had never happened in the history of Sino-Korean relationship. Fortunately, with the quickly action of Korean and Chinese governments, the conflicts were settled. Nevertheless, there are still researchers and institutes sponsored in that period of time. On the one hand, they keep on following up the research pattern and style as same as “the Northeast Project”; on the other hand, they showed their dissatisfaction at the policy of Chinese government who likely intended to control and change their research attitude. In order to respond to the research attitude in historian circle of China, “Koguryo Academic Financial Group”was set up in Korea to push forward this research. After Chinese high-level officials visited Korean Foreign Ministry, this group is renamed with “Northeast History Financial Group” and became a research institution concentrating on the historian education in East Asian. Whatever, this situation brings about bad influence on regional harmony and community in East Asia. Therefore, Korea and China should work together to resolve the problems on the research pattern and style of “the Northeast Project”. Exactly to resolve this problems, this article first analyzes the research tendency of historian circle of China after “the Northeast Project” is finished, and eventually finds that historian circle of China is still carrying on their research from the same perspective. Based on this, this article proposes that historian researchers of China and Korea should work together with the moral attitude of respecting to the realities of each other’s history. Meanwhile, this article also proposes that we should take the research attitude of common history in EU region as reference. Only in this way, we can realize the regional harmony and community in East Asia.

1. 머리말

2. ‘동북공정’ 성과에 대한 중국 학계의 자평과 제안

3. ‘동북공정’ 관련 중국 학계의 연구경향

4. 한국 학계의 연구시각에 대한 중국 학계의 비판

5. 맺음말

