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KCI등재 학술저널

요하 상류 유목문화의 유입과 변용

The Influx and Transformation of New Nomad Culture in the Liaohe Upstream : Focusing on the Jinggouzi Culture

DOI : 10.47735/odia.2020.27.47
  • 60

춘추말~전국초 무렵 요하 상류 일대에는 유목문화가 새로 유입되는 한편 주변 문화와도 일부 복합되었는데, 이는 최근들어 정구자문화로 규정되고 있다. 여러 하위유형이나 유적군이 설정되었는데, 토광묘계 무덤, 동물순생, 초원계통 장식류와 쌍이관이 공통되는 문화요소이다. 유목문화적인 면이 강한 ‘정구자유형’의 계통성이강조되나, 연하도문화의 요소들이 확인되는 ‘철영자유형’의 계층성이 주목되며, 십이대영자문화와 복합되는 ‘수천유형’은 농경문화적인 면도 나타나고 있어 다른 유형들에 비해 가장 많이 변용되었다고 할 수 있다. 정구자문화는 정착 과정에서 토착적인 기층문화나 주변 문화와 다양하게 복합된다. 초원계통으로 추정되는합장묘가 보이지만, 간략화된 석관묘도 확인된다. 동물순생은 말·양·소 위주지만, 돼지 역시 확인된다. 또한 야생동물을 표현하는 동물형장식품이 주류지만, 토착적인 장식품도 있다. 청동단검이나 동과, 토기 등의 유물에는 정구자문화의 것과 함께 연하도문화나 십이대영자문화에 속한 것도 확인되고 있어 주변 문화와도 다양하게교류하였음을 알 수 있다. 정구자문화의 사회 관계에는 철영자유형이 주목된다. 철영자유형의 수장묘는 무덤 규모와 순장, 위신재적 부장유물 등의 측면에서 다른 유적군을 압도한다. 철영자유형의 엘리트층은 연하도문화나 십이대영자문화의 집단들과 교류·경쟁하는 과정에서 권력 기반을 강화하며 정구자문화의 집단들을 주도했을 가능성이 높다. 그 종족 정체성은 흔히 ‘동호 집단’으로 추정되나, 그 중심집단이라 하기에는 아직 밝혀지지 않은 점이 많아 현재로는단정하기 어렵다고 생각된다.

The Jinggouzi Culture appeared during the settling process of nomadic cultures, which were newly introduced to the upstream Liaohe basin from the late of the Spring and Autumn Period to the early of the Warring States Period. Its major cultural elements included pit-tombs, burial of domesticated animals with the deceased, steppe style ornamentation, and pots with twin-rings. Various subculture were identified considering the complex relationship this culture had with its surrounding cultures. While the origin and characteristics of the “Jinggouzi Assemblage”-which has strong nomadic cultural aspects-are often emphasized, attention is also placed on the aspects of external interaction and hierarchal differentiation from the “Tieyingzi Assemblage,” which has elements from the Yanxiadu Culture. In addition, the “Shuiquan Assemblage,” which is mixed with the Shiertaiyingzi Culture, is differentiated from other assemblages through its aspects of a strong agricultural culture. The Jinggouzi Culture blended with existing native cultures or surrounding cultures during its settling process. While tombs with two or more buried people-which are suspected to be in the Steppe style-are found, the simplified stone coffin tombs that were native to the area are also excavated. Although the domestic animals that were buried mainly included horses, lambs, and cows, pigs were also discovered. In addition, while ornaments in animal forms using wild animal motifs were mainstream, there were also native ornaments. Artifacts such as bronze daggers, bronze halberds, and pottery were found from the Jinggouzi Culture as well as from the Yanxiadu Culture and the Shiertaiyingzi Culture. This shows that the Jinggouzi Culture had various interactions with its surrounding cultures. The Tieyingzi Assemblage is notable for understanding the social relationships of the Jinggouzi Culture. The tombs of chiefs in the Tieyingzi Assemblage eclipses other cultural assemblage in terms of tomb size, burial of the living with the deceased, and in the prestige artifacts that are buried. It is likely that during the process of interacting and competing with the Yanxiadu Culture or the Shiertaiyingzi Culture, the elite group of the Tieyingzi Assemblage strengthened their power base and led Jiggouzi Culture groups. The identity of that ethnic group is usually assumed to be Donghu groups ; however, there are still many aspects that have not been determined that would allow us to conclude that they indeed were the central group.

Ⅰ. 머리말

Ⅱ. 정구자문화의 하위유형 분석

Ⅲ. 정구자문화의 정착 과정과 사회 성격

Ⅳ. 맺음말
