최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국현대사에서 청산리전투에 관한 기억의 流動

Changing Memories of the Battle of Cheongsanri in Modern Korean History : Focusing on Memoirs, History Textbooks and Related Research

  • 54

This paper examines how the memory of the battle of Cheongsanri (靑山里) has undergone changes in the Korean society with special consideration of the social contexts. Yi Beom-seok(李範奭) in his memoir Korean Wrath (1947) set the standard for how the battle was remembered by basing his story on the fact that the battle was fought by the Northern Military Administration Office army (北路軍政署) led by Kim Jwa-jin, and that memory of the battle was reproduced and expanded in Udungbul(1971). History textbooks also played an important role in nationally disseminating the memory of the battle. Starting from the 1980s, as new documents and information from Japan became available and Korea began to have more exchanges with China and the Soviet Union, the memoir of Yi Beom-seok gradually lost its authority and it was found that the Independence Army led by Hong Beom-do (洪範圖) had also played an active role in the battle of Cheongsanri. At the start of the 21st century, a joint Korea-China research completely negated the image of the Northern military administration office army being the sole participant in the battle of Cheongsanri, and the consensus emerged that it was two armies fighting against the Japanese army in Cheongsanri that allowed them to maintain their battle capacity. However, there is still no academic consensus as to how the two armies, each led by Hong Beom-do and Kim Jwa-jin (金佐鎭), managed to carry out their battles, and a comprehensive account of that event has yet to be reconstructed

1. 머리말

2. 배제되며 한쪽 기억으로 표상화한 청산리전투

3. 국정교육을 통한 국민적 집합기억의 표준화 시도

4. 표준화된 기억의 재조정

5. 맺음말

