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KCI등재 학술저널

구룡산의 관속식물상

The Vascular plants in Mt. Guryong, Korea

DOI : 10.7732/kjpr.2019.32.5.589

본 연구는 봉화군 춘양면 서벽리에 위치한 구룡산 일대 관속식물의 분포조사를 위해 수행되었다. 조사는 2016년 3월부터2017년 10월까지 실시하였다. 그 결과 관속식물은 87과 298속449종 4아종 63변종 10품종 총526분류군을 확인하였다. 그 중산림청 지정 희귀식물은 CR등급복주머니란 1분류군, VU등급꼬리진달래를 포함한 5분류군, LC등급 세잎종덩굴을 포함한등 9분류군, DD등급 도라지모시대 1분류군이 각각 출현하여 총16분류군을 확인하였다. 특산식물은 참개별꽃을 포함한 14분류군, 식물구계학적 특정식물은 총84분류군으로 V등급좀미역고사리을 포함한 2분류군, IV등급 회리바람꽃을 포함한 7분류군,III등급 산팽나무를 포함한 21분류군, II등급 가래고사리를 포함한 22분류군, I등급촛대승마를 포함한 31분류군을 확인하였다. 또한 귀화식물은 좀명아주, 말냉이, 소리쟁이를 포함한 37분류군을 확인하였으며, 도시화지수는 11.53%, 귀화율은6.99%로 각각 나타났다.

To investigate the distribution of vascular plants growing at Mt. Guryong, we surveyed from March in 2016 toOctober in 2017. The flora of Mt. Guryong was classified as a total of 526 taxa comprising of 87 families, 298 genus, 449species, 4 subspecies, 63 varieties, 10 forma. Among them, the endemic plants in Korea were investigated as 10 taxa ofincluding Pseudostellaria coreana (Nakai) Ohwi. The Korean rare plants species were investigated as 16 taxa, among themdegree of CR investigated as 1 taxa of Cypripedium macranthum Sw., VU investigated as 5 taxa of including Rhododendronmicranthum Turcz., degree of LC investigated 9 taxa of including Clematis koreana Kom., degree of DD investigated 1 taxaof Adenophora grandiflora Nakai. Endemic plants were investigated as 14 taxa of including seudostellaria coreana (Nakai)Ohwi and The floristic special plants were a total of 84 taxa such as 2 taxa in degree V(in cluding Polypodium virginianumL.), 7 taxa in degree IV (including Anemone reflexa Steph. & Willd.), 21 taxa in degree III(including Celtis aurantiacaNakai), 22 taxa in degree II (including Thelypteris phegopteris (L.) Sloss.) and 31 taxa in degree I (including Cimicifugasimplex (DC.) Turcz.) was carried out to provide basic data. The naturalized plants were investigated as 37 taxa of includingChenopodium ficifolium Smith., Thlaspi arvense L., Rumex crispus L. and the percentage of urbanization index was11.53%, the naturalized ratio was 6.99% respectively.

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