국내외 개발된 Hsota 품종의 잎의 생육과 개화 특성을 조사한 결과, 식물의 크기는 H.‘Abiqua Blue Crinkles’, H.‘AbiquaDrinking Gourd’, H.‘Dancing in the Rain’, H.‘Elegance’, H. ‘Inniswood’, H.‘Venus’등 6종류가 가장 컸으며(대형 계통, 50㎝ 이상), H. ‘Abby’, H. ‘Birchwood Parky’s Gold’, H. ‘BlueCadet’, and H. ‘Blue Edge등을 포함한 27종은 소형 계통이다(6 ㎝ 이상 20 ㎝ 미만). 79%가 무늬를 가지며 무늬 형태는marginata (복륜), mediovarigata (중투), albomaculata (산반), striata (서반)이며, marginata 계통은 H. ‘Abby’, H. ‘AbiquaMoonbeam’, H. ‘Atlantis’등을 포함하여 31종류로 전체 비율중 36%로 가장 많았다. 개화기는 H. ‘Abby’, H. ‘AbiquaDrinking Gourd’, H. ‘Abiqua Moonbeam’등 36종류가 5월 말부터 개화였고, H. ‘Black Hills’, H. ‘Boeun’, H. ‘FragrantBouquet’등 9종은 8월 이후에 개화하였다. 꽃은 H. ‘Avocado’가 5.0 ㎝ 이상으로 대륜 계통이었으며, H. ‘Avocado’, H. ‘Fragrant Bouquet’, H.‘Fried Bananas’ 등 H. plantaginea 계통이 대부분 크기가 컸다. 꽃의 색은 꽃의 색은 6가지로 분류되며, white 계열은 25.9%, lavender 계열은 45.9%, purple 계열은 28.2%가 개화하였다. H. ‘Blue Mouse Ears’, H. ‘CaptainKirk’, H.‘Fragrant Bouquet’ 등 12종류는 개화시 향기가 있었다. H.‘Cherry Berry’와 H. ‘Revolution’은 각각 빨간색과 노란색의 꽃대를 가지고 있다.
This study was conducted to investigate the leaf growth and flowering characteristics of 85 Hosta cultivars. The85 cultivars were grown in a pot in Useful Plant Resources Center in Yangpyeong, Korea. H. ‘Abiqua Blue Crinkles’, H. ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’, H. ‘Dancing in the Rain’, H. ‘Elegance’, H. ‘Inniswood’, and H. ‘Venus’ were classified as alarge size group (> 50 ㎝), while 27 cultivars including H. ‘Abby’, H. ‘Birchwood Parky’s Gold’, H. ‘Blue Cadet’, and H. ‘Blue Edge’ were classified as a small size group (< 20 ㎝). The others were classified as a medium size groups. 79% ofHosta cultivars had leaf variegation. Leaf variegation type was divided into 5 types (standard, marginata, mediovarigata,albomaculata, striata). Among them 31 cultivars including H. ‘Abby’, H. ‘Abiqua Moonbeam’, and H. ‘Atlantis’ has avariegation type of marginata in the leaf. 36 cultivars including H. ‘Abby’, H. ‘Abiqua Drinking Gourd’, and H.‘AbiquaMoonbeam’ bloomed in late May and 9 cultivars including H. ‘Black Hills’, H. ‘Boeun’, and H. ‘Fragrant Bouquet’ startedto flower on late August. Most flowers were below 3.0 ㎝ in length, while H. ‘Avocado’ was longest on 10.0 ㎝. Mostflowers have a lavender color group (63.5%), and 14 cultivars of Hosta showed white color group (16.5%). 12 cultivarsincluding H. ‘Blue Mouse Ears’, H. ‘Captain Kirk’, and H. ‘Fragrant Bouquet’ had the fragrance in their flowers. H. ‘CherryBerry’ and H. ‘Revolution’ had a colorful stalk, red and yellow, respectively.
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