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KCI등재 학술저널

덕정산(강화군)의 관속식물상

Floristic Study of Deokjeongsan Mt. (Ganghwa-gun), Korea

DOI : 10.7732/kjpr.2018.31.2.149
  • 4

본 연구는 덕정산의 관속식물상을 밝히고 주요 식물종을 조사하였다. 2016년 3월부터 10월까지 총 8회에 걸쳐 현지조사를 실시한 결과 관속식물은 107과 305속 423종 8아종 48변종 4품종 1교잡종으로 총 484분류군이 확인되었다. 덕정산은 식물구계학상 온대중부지역에 속하고 낙엽활엽수와 침엽수의 혼합림으로 산지의 대부분은 소나무-참나무류림이 우점하며 2차림으로 구성된다. 식물 종다양성이 높은 과는 국화과(62분류군), 화본과(48분류군), 사초과(27분류군), 콩과(23분류군), 꿀풀과(21분류군)이었다. 한반도 고유종은 외대으아리, 키버들, 좀목포사초, 백운산원추리 4분류군이 확인되었다. IUCN 평가기준에 따른 적색목록식물은 5분류군으로 준위협종(NT)에 쑥방망이, 관심대상종(LC)에 물잔디, 미평가종(NE)에 왕과, 버들잎엉겅퀴, 멱쇠채가 관찰되었다. 식물구계학적 특정식물은 Ⅴ등급1분류군, Ⅳ등급 2분류군, Ⅲ등급 4분류군, Ⅱ등급 8분류군, Ⅰ 등급 11분류군으로 총 26분류군이 발견되었다. 외래식물은 46 분류군으로 귀화율 9.5%, 도시화지수 14.3%로 나타났다

This study was carried out to investigate the flora of Deokjeongsan Mt. (Ganghwa-gun) from March to October 2016. The vascular plants identified during the 8 round field surveys were a to total of 484 taxa: 107 families, 305 genera, 423 species, 8 subspecies, 48 varieties, 4 forms and 1 hybrid. The plant formation of Deokjeongsan Mt. is the deciduous broad-leaved and conifer mixed forest which is the common one in the middle part of Korean peninsula. All most mountain covered with young secondary forest which is mainly composed of Pinus and Quercus. The plant species diversity largest families were Asteraceae (62 taxa, 12.7%), Poaceae (48 taxa, 9.9%), Cyperaceae (27 taxa, 5.6%), Fabaceae (23 taxa, 4.7%), and Lamiaceae (21 taxa, 4.3%). The four taxa of Korean endemic plants such as Clematis brachyura Maxim., Salix koriyanagi Kimura ex Goerz, Carex brevispicula G. H. Nam & G. Y. Chung, and Hemerocallis hakuunensis Nakai were collected. The vascular plants on the red list according to IUCN evaluation basis were found to be five taxa: Near Threatened (NT) species of Senecio argunensis Turcz., Least Concern (LC) species Pseudoraphis ukishiba Nakai, and Not Evaluate (NE) species of Thladiantha dubia Bunge, Cirsium lineare (Thunb.) Sch. Bip., and Scorzonera austriaca ssp. glabra Lipsch. & Krasch. ex Lipsch., respectively. The floristic regional indicator plants found in this area were 26 taxa comprising one taxa of degree V, two taxa of degree IV, four taxa of degree III, eight taxa of degree II, and 11 taxa of degree I. In addition, the alien plants were identified as 46 taxa and the percentage of naturalized index (NI) was 9.5%, and urbanization index (UI) was 14.3%, respectively

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