기호성 잡곡작물로 주목 받고 있는 아마란스의 경북지역 내재배가능성과 재배요인을 구명하기 위하여 파종기와 수확기를 달리하여 건물생산성과 수량을 조사하였다. 생육특성과 건물생산성은 생육기 온도가 가장 높았던 5월 10일 파종이 가장높았던 반면 수량은 4월 10일 파종이 많았다. 파종기에 따라경북지역 아마란스의 종실수량은 96~243kg의 범위를 보였다. 각 파종기별 적정 생육일수는 4월 10일 파종이 120일, 5월10일과 6월 10일 파종은 110일일 때 수량이 가장 많았다. 생육기 평균기온(MT)과 수량(Y) 간에는 각각 Y=-16.362MT2+ 670.04MT-6639.1 (R2=0.629)의 2차 함수관계를 보이고 최적온도는 20.6℃, 최적 생육일수는 파종기에 따라 104~119일로추정되었다.
Amaranth (Amaranth caudatus) is attracting attention as a preference crop in Gyeongsangbuk-do province. To determine its growth potential and cultivation requirements, we investigated its growth characteristics, dry matter productivity, and grain yield according to the growing period. Growth and dry matter productivity were significantly higher for plants that were sown on May 10 th when the temperature was the highest, whereas the yield was significantly higher for plants that were sown on April 10 th . Amaranth grain yield ranged from 96 to 243 kg according to the sowing date and cultivation year. The optimum harvest time for plants that were sown on April 10 th , May 10 th , and June 10 th were 120, 110, and 110 days after seeding, respectively. The mean temperature and growing period had a significant quadratic function with yield. Based on these equations, the optimum growing temperature was estimated as 20.6℃ and the optimum growing period as 104-119 days after seeding.
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