In view of the results to have measured metallic elements which is included in 45 sorts of herb medicines and surveyed their distribution, 8 kinds ofmetals including Co, Ge, Ga, TL, Cd, As, 8i, Pb, are never or little includedin almost herb medicines . Other twenty-five sorts of elements (Mo, Sc, Be, V,Ni, Sn, Se, Ba, Cr, Sb, Si, Ti, B, Li, Mg, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, p, Al, Na,K) are more or Less included in all herb Bedicines ana Na, Ca, p and K aremetals that are included in Large quentities in comrarison with others . Patri-uiae Radix Contains 7 kinds of metal lic elements more than other herb medicinesdoes.