The Korean Academy of Social Science, KASS, was formed by a group of Korean students in Chicago, USA on October 18, 1930. Social Science here signifies the theory and practice of socialism at that time and in particular indicates Marxism and Leninism, which led to the Bolshevik Revolution. This research addresses three issues. The first concerns the background of the emergence of the KASS s advocation of proletarian revolutions in the US-based Korean community, which was known to be conservative. The second issue deals with the organization and members of the KASS. Twenty-two have been so far known to have participated in it. It has been confirmed that several core members such as, Ko Pyung-nam, Kim Pong-sung, Kim Ho-chul, Lee Edward Young, and Han Se-kwang, attended Lewis Institute in the late 1920s and 1930s. They are also the members of the Korean Student Union(Koryo Hakuhoe, 高麗學友會) in Chicago. This report next presents the major activities of the KASS, one of which was to organize open lectures and current situation forums, informing the US-based Koreans of the world situation and the national movement trends of Korea and international society. These activities were aimed at taking the initiative of the national movement of the Korean society in the US and to propagate socialism.
1. 머리말
2. 연구회의 결성 배경
3. 연구회의 창립 취지와 발기인
4. 연구회의 조직과 구성원 분석
5. 맺음말