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KCI등재 학술저널

박정희 정권의 한일어업회담

Korea-Japan Fisheries Agreement in Park, Chung-hee Administration

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Park, Chung-hee administration pushed Korea-Japan Conference Agreement ergatively supported by both the political policy of the United States; the U. S. wanted to build anti-communism in Asia, and the economic crisis of Korea. Peace Line proclaimed by Rhee, Syng-man administration, however, prevented normalization accord of two nations; this line had been made to protect Korea coastal fishing ground from Japan s overfishing in that ground. Japan requested the removal of Peace Line very strongly as a prerequisite of Korea-Japan Conference Agreement. While Park, Chung-hee administration recognized the removal of Peace Line was inevitable in the process of negotiation with Japan, the difference between two nations was still very serious from the preliminar stage of Korea-Japan Fisheries Conference. This difference of opinions on Peace Line began to be narrowed down little by little when Kim, Jong-pil, the CIA Director of Korea, and Ohira, the Foreign Minister of Japan, resolved the issues on the right of claims as Korea-Japan Fisheries Conference was in progress. Peace Line in Korean coast used to be a maximum 200-nautical mile exclusive fishing zone, however, as a result of Conference, it fell down into 12-nautical mile exclusive fishing zone as Japan suggested. Also, a joint regulation fishing zone between Korea and Japan was set for the outer of 12-nautical mile exclusive fising zone. Though Korea tried to constitute a system to control Japanese fishing boat in quality within a joint regulation fishing zone and discussed it with Japan, this effort failed to bring agreement with Japan; Japan remained fairly tight-lipped on this issue standing Flaggenprinzip ground. In addition, the amount of loan which Korea required Japan as a return of removal of Peace Line at Korea Japan Fisheries Conference was only $90 million dollors and its redeption conditions was unfavorable for Korea. Nonetherless, the removal of Peace Line was brought not only by Japan strong request but also by Korea s determined policy since the preliminary stage of the Conference; Park administration wanted to reach an agreement at Korea-Japan Conference and also wanted to introduce money of compensation claims as a result of the Conference. However, against Park administration s unilateral proceeding at Korea-Japan Conference, there was a firm oppressive among parties out of political power and university students inside of Korea. Park administration, however, clamped down on this opposition and finally concluded Korea-Japan agreement. Even after Korea-Japan agreement, there had been perpetual fisheries disputes between Korea and Japan. Japanese fishing boats violated Korea-Japan Fisheries Agreement and Korean fishing boats overfished in Japan coastal ground. After all, in 1998, Korea-Japan Fisheries Agreement was cancelled due to Japan s one-sided proclaim of discontinuance. The agreement was unfaire to Korean people at the time of agreement and also to Japan people both after the agreement.

1. 머리말

2. 한일어업회담의 쟁점

3. 한일어업회담의 결과

4. 맺음말

