최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1920년대 중반 민족주의 세력의 정세인식과 합법적 정치운동의 전망

In mid 1920 s, Nationalist Group s Situation Recognition and Legal Political Activity View

  • 82

As mid 1920 s, Japan privilege group is breakup, and be party politics. but even a conservative Rikken Seiyūkai(立憲正友會), Kenseikai(憲政會) who insist that Chosun s Self-government system after 3 1 Independence movement, withdraw the contention accept that a colony Chosun s Self-government system according to Japanese national defensive strategic site, army s opposition, privilege group s negative, rightist national feeling. At that time s Japanese political structure and real politic, contention that insist chosun s Self-government system is almost socialist group driving Labor party. Dong-A Daily leading group carefully monitoring 1920 s global politic and Japanese politic s changes. Monitoring establishment of the Kenseikai coalition cabinet and pass of Popular suffrage law, and growth of England labor party and establishment of coalition cabinet, they convinced that global flows are change steadily. They prospect that change of Japanese politic by appearing legal labor party which is represent proletarian profits according to Popular suffrage, this democratization of Japanese politic would change colony policy and make some politic freedom and right. In order to actively handle and ready for global politic changes, They concretely institute construction of nationalist political organization from 1925, Song Chin noo s editorial of Dong-A Daily express this politic recognition and action laws well, and concretely ready for that by institute Chosun research survey association. If they submit wide popular politic activity, it s unavoidably legal. In this point, There insist have stage politic combat, politic ability training aspect in impossible reality. This activity, which is leaded by Dong-A Daily, formed steady strained relationship the Japanese Government General of Korea authority.

1. 머리말

2. 일본 보통선거와 무산정당 진출에 대한 인식

3. 민족적 중심단체 결성 주장과 합법적 정치운동의 전망

4. 합법적 정치운동과 총독부 지배세력과의 관련 문제

5. 맺음말

