최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

北間島 墾民會 선행조직의 추이와 성격

The Characteristics and Changes of the Preceding Organizations of North-Gando Ganminhoe

  • 54

The first Korean organization in North Gando was Hanmin Self-government Society, which was founded around November, 1909. Its members were mostly christians. This was the first preceding organization of Ganminhoe(墾民會), but China demanded that the Korean members first be naturalized and did not allow the Society self-government. Hanmin Self-government Organization was reorganized to Hanmin Educational Organization around March, 1910. It was the result from Korean movement policy of China and Japan. Chinese local government refused the ask of the self-government again. The leader of this group were Lee Dong-hwi, Lee Dong-chun, Yoon Hae and Park Chan-ik. Especially Lee Dong-chun performed an important part based on the Chinese skill and the acquaintance with Chinese officials. Hanmin Educational Organization renamed its name Ganmin Educational Organization after the National Decay(1910). It is important that Preceding Self-government Organization or Educational Organization called themselves Hanmin(韓民), but the Chinese documents were written with only Ganmin(墾民). It makes almost Chinese researchers recognize Ganmin Educational Organization as the first Korean group. The obvious truth is that Ganminhoe was organized through the preceding organization moved from Hanmin Self-government Organization and Hanmin Educational Organization to Ganmin Educational Organization. Around July 1911, Ganmin Educational Organization was forced to be dissolved by China. Chinese officials were persistently and strongly demanded to dissolve Ganmin Educational Organization by the Japanese consulate officials. It was the result from the submission of the China for the pressurto beimperialist Japan. Ganminhoe was formally established in April after January 1913 when Chinese government rechartered it. The treaty shows that Ganminhoe was thoroughly subordinated as the assistant part of Chinese local government. Consequently, even if Ganminhoe was semi-government, it couldn’t perform any function. It shows that it was impossible to do any subjective activities that Ganminhoe was dissolved within a year despite the 2-year-time limit of the beginning. In short, the changed organization to Ganminhoe of Bookgando Korean group tried to persue the Korean self-government and the restoration of the national rights against the Dominium of Gando, but the confront of interest between China and Japan failed this trial.

1. 머리말

2. 韓民自治會의 조직

3. 韓民敎育會로 개편

4. 墾民敎育會로 개칭

5. 墾民會의 조직

6. 맺음말

