최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1904년 황실 파견 도일유학생 연구

A Study on the Students Sent to Japan by Emperor Gojong in 1904

  • 15

Emperor Gojong decided to send students, sponsored by Imperial household expenses, to Japan in 1904. Gojong wanted to gain the Japanese favour by dispatching students, because Japan’s victory was clear in the Russo-Japanese War. Gojong wanted the students to learn the practical knowledge in Japan, and to be the competent persons royal to him after their return to Korea. Gojong ordered officials that they should select 50 students from high level officials’ family members. However only 17 students selected were high level officials sons or relatives, because high level Yangban officials’ sons did not like to study western knowledge in general. 7 students were middle level officials’ sons and relatives. And 26 students’ family status was not identified. Students entered the First Municipal Middle School in Tokyo by the recommendation of Japanese Government. A 3-year special course was prepared for them in the municipal middle school. The discipline of the school was very strict. However Korean students were not familiar to the discipline, and many of them couldn’t bear it. Therefore 15 came back home among 44 students. Their seats were replaced by the students studying in Japan at private expense. Their learning was interrupted by an unexpected incident in 1905. The principal of the school made insulting remarks in the news paper against Korean students, immediately after the announcement of Japan’s protectorate of Korea in November 1905. Korean students got angry and they went on strike in the meaning of protest. However the principal did not apologize, and he ordered the expulsion of the students from the school. Korean and Japanese Governments discussed on this incident, and Japanese officials negotiated with the principal. As a result, 26 students could come back to school, however 10 students couldn’t. One year later, 25 students completed their course in the school, and continued their learning. Although the municipal middle school recommended them to enter the practical high schools, only 40% of them entered those schools. Others entered academic high schools, because they wanted to be officials and lawyers. When they came back home after 1910, Korea was the colony of Japan. Some of them became the officials of the Japanese Government General of Korea, and others became company or bank employees, and teachers. There were only few who became an activist for the independence of Korea.

1. 머리말

2. 황실유학생 파견 경위

3. 파견된 유학생의 신분

4. 동경부립제일중학에의 위탁

5. 동경부립제일중학에서의 유학생활

6. 동맹휴교 사건과 부분 복교

7. 졸업 이후의 진로

8. 맺음말

