Joseon dynasty didn’t allow believing Donghak(東學). After founding Donghak, the founder was executed because of the suspicion of rebellion. Confucians suppressed it because they considered Donghak, which is against hierarchy, had been spreading evil doctrines. In 1893, Donghak believers demonstrated against the oppression at Gwanghwamun(光化門), Boeun(報恩) and Gumgu(金溝). It worsened the situation, the government forbidden Donghak more strictly and arrested the leaders of them. In 1894, Donghak peasant army rose in arms against the government for reasons of the misrule. Although government officials recognized the cause, they took their blame upon the doctrine of Donghak and put them down once again. Japanese military occupied Gyeongbokgung(景福宮) and hold king Ko-jong(高宗) as a hostage, and Japanese government made the pro-Japanese party took power. On the crisis of the country, Donghak peasant army rose in arms against the Japanese army. The political elite who held in power at the moment, however, was made to gave the Japanese reinforcement to took the command of government forces so that suppressed Donghak peasant army. These historical events showed the policy of the Joseon government toward Donghak. The prospect of the Joseon dynasty didn’t change through out 1890s from the beginning of Donhak. King Ko-jong and most of high-ranking officials had been wanted to preserve the order of society. This is the reason that they suppressed the insurrection of the Donghak Peasant Army during the biggest security crisis for the nation.
1. 머리말
2. 왕조정부의 동학 인식과 대응
3. 왕조정부의 보은집회와 원평집회 대책
4. 1894년 동학농민군의 1차봉기와 왕조정부의 借兵案
5. 일본군의 경복궁 점거 이후 왕조정부의 대응
6. 맺음말