최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

3·1운동기 미주 한인사회의 동향과 대응

The March First Movement and Koreans Activities and Responses in America

  • 53

The year of 1919 was meaningful year to Koreans in America. Because the one was rising up March 1, Movement to Korean, the other was 16th year which Korean formally had came to America. Thus to rise up March 1, Movement in 1919 were expressive event to Koreans in America. Especially, March 1, Movement in 1919 was meaningful to Korean in America. Koreans immigrated to America in 1903 which Koreans had the state themselves. But because of Japanese annexing Korea in 1910, Koreans in America became a missing child of the community of nations. Thus, Koreans had got a harsh treatment from other ethics. In spite of hard working in plantations, they tried to gain independence to Japanese. They formed organizations for independence. For examples, Koreans organized the Korea National Association in 1909. But the end of World WarⅠ, particularly the extensive program effort Woodrow Wilson through his call for self-determination, encourage Koreans to hope that an appeal to the Paris Peace Conference would lead to Korean independence. And in late 1918, Koreans in America seemed that America help to the people of a small and weak power such a Korea. Koreans in America who had heard March 1, Movement in Motherland appealed to U.S. government and citizens, and started activities to support the organizations of independence movement to fund. I paid attention to the unification of Korean community in 1919. Certainly, The March 1, Movement of Korean community in America united to be the one. Accordingly, I surveyed the unification movement of Korean community and Korean activities for independence movement through March 1, Movement.

1. 머리말

2. 3·1운동 이전 한인사회의 동향

3. 3·1운동의 발발과 재미한인의 대응

4. 일본상품 배척운동과 3·1운동 후원단체의 결성

5. 미주 한인들의 3·1운동 인식과 의미

6. 맺음말

