This thesis treats the nationalistic and social movement by Gang-Ha Lee from late 1910s to late 1920s. The nationalistic movement by Gang-Ha Lee had continued until his death for 10 years. He acted as and passed through nationalism, anarchism and socialism. His recognition and strategem changed in the course of action and it was the result of intense worrying of nationalistic movement. Through such process, he acted with high level of concept of nationalistic movement and realistic recognition. The recognition of Gang-Ha Lee led to an active and vigorous nationalistic movement. His nationalistic movement began with 3·1 independence movement in 1919. Afterwards he joined a secret society that was supporting the provisional government. In the early 1920, he recognized the limit of nationalistic movement, accepted anarchism and was active in Japan and Korea. He joined Heukdo Society, a Korean ideological organization, and was active in protecting the interests of Korean laborers in Japan. After returning to homeland, he developed peasant movement in Daejeon, his hometown. Daejeon had not seen any peasant movement until his activity. In the process, new activists were trained and the local residents’ nationalistic and social consciousness was enhanced. He accepted the socialism and was active in the process that activists were differentiated according to ideology of nationalistic movement in the mid-1920s. He formed a real youth organization to innovate the stagnant youth movement together with young activists and that became the base on which the local youth movement was activated. He also took the leading role in renovating the existing peasant organization, separating organizations with an ambiguous character and forming new organizations to escape the inactive peasant movement. His activity resulted in the activation of nationalistic and social movement in Daejeon area. In conclusion, his recognition and practice of nationalistic movement can be an example to show a model of activist who was making efforts to cope with the colonial reigning system.
1. 머리말
2. 성장 과정과 민족주의운동
3. 아나키즘의 수용과 농민운동
4. 사회주의 수용과 대중운동
5. 맺음말