This paper studies the situation of education of Koreans and Chinese policy to the education of Koreans in Manchuria in Early 1900s. Gaining national independence was the main mission of Koreans in Kando area in Early 1900s. With the support of the local Koreans, the people who left Korea established various national educational institutes in Kando area, which speeded up the new educational idea and the movement of developing education to save the country. Therefore, the teachers and students of these educational institutes in Kando area became the main force of anti-Japanese movement in late 1910s, and Korean communities became the base for the national independence movement. The control of Japanese over the Koreans in Kando area forced Chinese government to interfere with the education of Koreans in Kando area. In 1915, in order to resist the control of Japanese over the Korean community, Chinese government issued an act to deal with the education of Koreans, trying to force Koreans into Chinese citizens and Korean private education into Chinese educational system. Since the purpose of Chinese policy was to weaken the control of Japanese over the Korean community, the education system was not fascist one which took hold of national independence. Therefore, till the early 1920s, the educational movement of Koreans in Kando area had played a role of base for the national independence movement.
1. 머리말
2. 間島 조선인 민족교육의 전개
3. 중국 지방당국의 對朝鮮人 교육정책
4. 맺음말