최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

사회주의 민족운동과 대한민국 정부

Socialist Movement and Government of Republic of Korea

  • 61

This article shall review that socialist movement during the Japanese Colonial Period in Korean peninsula should affect the establishment of government of Republic of Korea. After it had appeared as a branch of nationalist movement, the socialist movement left, disputed, reconciled and solidified with the nationalist movement. As the solidarity between the two became a general trend since the mid 1930s, a democratic republic and a equal economy would be a core idea in establishing new nation, represented by each group of national movement. Nationalists had never though the capitalism was a ideal system and they had never been in the strict position on anti-communism. On the contrary, they wanted to establish new system which should overcome the contradiction and limitation of the socialism and capitalism. Socialists would be acknowledged to withhold or reserve a proletarian revolution and proletarian dictatorship and to make a concrete solidarity with nationalists in order to liberate Korean people under Japanese Imperialism. The establishment of Republic of Korea in 1948 was extended in the lien with above national movements. A lot of Korean people had a left-wing mind in establishment of New Nation under the disordered political situation after the liberation from Japanese Imperialism. Even the anti-communists gave an assent to the state ownership on several important industries, the land reform and the controlling economy. The Original Constitution of Republic of Korea ordinated under this circumstances. The Original Constitution had the factors from liberty and equality which were core value of modern society, but the Constitution strongly contained and preferred the factors related to equality rather than liberty. This was prominent especially in economic provisions of the Constitution. The current Constitution of Republic of Korea apparently describes succeeding the legal identity of the Provisional Republic of Korea Government born of the March First Independence Movement of 1919. The Provisional Republic of Korea Government showed a feature of the alliance of right-wing and left-wing since it had started. The Government operated and performed its mission and goal actively when the consolidation between left and right was accomplished. The socialist movement had contributed to extend the scope of the national movement as it had in that Government. Through the consolidation between socialism and nationalism, the nationalist movement, before August 15, 1945, had already reached to an agreement on the framework of the newly established Nation. The core ideas in establishing New Nation which presented by each major national movement groups were very similar in organizing a perfect independent state, introducing a democratic republic and enforcing equal economy. And the each movement group’s ideas in establishment of the Nation was succeeded by several political groups and parties’s ideas in describing the Original Constitution, under the political situation after the independence. The reason that the Original Constitution could contain ‘most’ progressive provisions under at that time of the south Korean system, was the historical backgrounds like above.

1. 머리말

2. 사회주의운동의 민족 문제 인식

3. 광복 전후 사회주의운동과 민족주의운동의 수렴

4. 대한민국 헌정사와 사회주의운동

5. 광복 63주년에 다시 생각하는 대한민국 ‘건국’

