최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

대한제국기 탁지부고문 알렉세예프의 재정정책과 친러활동

The Financial and Pro-Russian Policy by K. Alexeiev during the Han Empire Period

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Former Russian treasury officer, Karl Alexeiev was employed by the Korean government as a financial adviser in 1897. His appointment was closely related with the Russian foreign and economical infiltration policy which intern bestowed major characteristics on his activities. He gained full control of Korean financial department and launched retrenchment policy. He curtailed Emperor Kojong’s encroachment on national treasury and succeeded in discarding Chinese power and bridgehead in the Korean Maritime Customs. Moreover he managed to stop the circulation of Japanese stamped silver coin. He also helped in establishing Korean-Russian Bank and acquiring Russian settlement in newly opened ports, and handed over necessary informations to Russia. Overall his political and financial policy was molded according to Russian foreign policy and checkmated Anglo-Japanese power in the far Eastern diplomatic and economic area.

1. 머리말

2. 알렉세예프의 부임과 한국 인식

3. 탁지부 고문직 활동과 재정 장악

4. 친러활동과 러시아의 침투

5. 맺음말

