최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

開港(場)과 移住商人

Merchant Settlers in Open Ports during the Opening Ports Period: Origin and Formation of Locality in the Open Ports Market

  • 64

After the opening of a ports in Korea, commodity circulation had been making rapid progress. Busan port was one of the place where imports and exports were received and distributed, and also merchant settlers who had business relations with these commodities were moving to several parts of Korea. These merchant settlers, spreader of capitalistic economy, are emblematic of open ports space. When port Incheon had been opened, Busan merchants moved to Incheon and then when port Gunsan had been opened, merchants from Busan and Incheon moved to Gunsan as well. At first, Merchant settlers in open ports tried to apply established commercial rules. However they had to be establishing new commercial orders gradually over the years. In open ports as spreading centers of imperialism powers, it is a first step for a formation of locality in the open ports city to gather and make network for merchant settlers and to work as a subject of open port space Also intermediaries such as Gaek-ju(客主) and Kogan(居間) needed to learn about foreign languages and cultures because of trade with foreign nations. Therefore they could not help taking up a positive attitude to receive. Finally, some of them devoted or adapted themselves to foreign enlightenments or phenomena. This forced openness behind the positive reception was the other part of the original form of locality in open ports cities.

1. 머리말

2. 1876년 부산 개항과 이주상인의 집결

3. 부산 상인층의 신개항장으로의 이주

4. 개항장도시 로컬리티의 형성과 기원

5. 맺음말

