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KCI등재 학술저널

동도서기론자의 ‘民富國强’론과 민중 인식

MinBu-GukGang(民富國强) Theory and People Recognition of DongDo-SeoGi(東道西器) Theorist

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DongDo-SeoGi(東道西器, Eastern morality and Western technology) theorist wanted construct the modern independent state successfully as a attaining MinBu-GukGang(民富國强, people is rich and nation is strong), in order to overcome the crisis of the nation and defend the aggression of the outside power. They considered seriously the role of the people in the modern society and thought that there is not a possibility of accomplishing a national wealth and power without MinBu(民富). They thought the people of Korea that to be foolish is dumb, therefore they did not consider that people immediately there is a possibility becoming the master of MinBu(民富). They accordingly educated the people and after changing with the modern worker, the people becoming the master of MinBu. They opposed the hereditariness of slaves and criticized the status system in compliance with the blood inherits. But they did not assert the abolition of slave system and status system. They considered the people with the master of MinBu(民富), it’s point was as a charge person in the economic side, did not consider as a charge person in the democratic institution and the right to vote side. But they regarding the people as the master is very important in historically.

1. 머리말

2. 동도서기론자의 時局 이해와 민중 인식

3. 敎化와 民富策으로서의 근대적 교육산업 구상

4. 신분제와 민중운동에 대한 인식

5. 맺음말

