최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

관립 俄語學校 설립과 교사 비류코프의 活動(1896~1916)

Government Institution Russian School Founding and Teacher, Biruvkof’s Activity(1896~1916)

  • 77

The Russian school(俄語學校) was founded in 1895, Russia veteran Biruvkof was appointed teacher. He not only teach Russia in the students but also, accorded to request of Emperor Gojong student studying abroad, in the Russia military school. But, the Russian school was abolished because of the Russo-Japanese wars in 1904. Biruvkof returned toward a serviceman on active duty. He participated in the Russo-Japanese wars with the Russia military school students studying abroad, and takes charge of a liaison task the Russia army and loyal troops in the North Korea area. After the Russo-Japanese wars ended and concluded the Treaty of Portsmouth, he disguised with Wonsan residence vice-consulate, actived with the Russia army General Headquarters agent from 1907 until 1915. He helped the independence movement of Korea, and reported in the headquarters about numerous anti-Japanese motion the record. He Went toward Harbin from Wonsan to treate the pulmonary tuberculosis in 1915 end, he could not go back in Wonsan and died from that place in 1916 January.

1. 머리말

2. 관립 아어학교의 설립

3. 비류코프의 활동

4. 맺음말

