최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

일진회의 학교 설립과 운영

School Foundation and Management of the Il Jin Hoe

  • 92

The Iljinhoe(一進會) that intent to accept the civilizational of Japan found Japanese language school in region and the GwangMu(光武) school in Seoul. The GwangMu school was preparatory school which dispatched the student studying abroad to Japan. The Iljinhoe selected the student studying abroad with support of Son, Byunghee and dispatched to Japan in autumn 1905. But, The relationship of Son and The Iljinhoe became more distant, Son cut the studying abroad funds and then the student studying abroad dispatch continuously could not be joined. 1. The Iljinhoe gave up dispatching the student studying abroad, and reorganized a curriculum of the the GwangMu school into historical·geography·Japanese·arithmetic·composition·Chinese writing·gymnastics broken from teaching only Japanese language education. And the GwangMu school extended a study duration from 1 year in 3 years. As a result, the GwangMu school graduate was made to get a more chance and could enter upon studies in the various school. In addition to, The Iljinhoe found the Hansung middle school for entering upon studies of the students in the DoklipGwan and tried to establish the law school as an annex to the GwangMu school. After the Iljinhoe handed in the annexation petition, the secession of the members was joined together and was made to meet the maximum crisis. The Residency-General that took advantage of this situation, Carried out a many operations in order to snatch the DoklipGwan ground. The Residency-General combined the GwangMu school and the Hansung middle school as the GwangMu middle school by compulsion. Eventually, after the country perishes, The Iljinhoe was dissolved and simultaneously GwangMu middle school was disappeared also. Early region school of the Iljinhoe was found by the help of the Japanese arm at the price which toke part in railroad construction of the Seoul-Uju railway and transported the material of the Japanese army in Russo-Japanese Wars. The school of at that time most taught Japanese to breed up a interpreter. On November 1905, after the Iljinhoe hand in the ‘annexation petition’, the Iljinhoe’s the region schools were looked away from the people and in addition, the school was burn up and destroyed by an army in the cause of justice. Especially, in 1906 the Iljinhoe suffered in financial embarrassment and entirely could not have the support which is financial made be placed in the situation. Consequently, the region schools raised money to the school operation, but could not achieve because of against to opposition of the confucians and inhabitants. Little by little, Iljinhoe’s the region schools were abolished, or belong to the religion of Cheondo. In order to intercept this, Iljinhoe talk to members got us nowhere.

1. 머리말

2. 광무학교 설립과 운영

3. 지방학교의 설립과 운영

4. 맺음말

