최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

대한제국기 주일 한국공사의 임면 배경과 경위(1900~1905)

The Dispatching Background and Process of Korean Ministers to Japan in the Korea Empire(1900~1905)

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The Purpose of this study is to analyze the dispatch of Korean ministers to Japan in the Korea Empire(1900~1905). At that time, there happened the Russo-Japanese War, The Protectorate Treaty, Korea Empire fell under the protection of Japan. With this in mind, this article is devoted to the new understanding of the character of the Korean-Japanese relationship and the Korea Empire. From August to December 1905, 8 people were appointed to Korean ministers to Japan, only 4 people started for their new post. The entire period of their current terms as minister were only 2~8 months except Cho Min-hee, and the Korean legation was not fully equipped with staffs necessary for its office, so Korean legation was managed by chancellor(chamseokwon), and clerk(seogisang). At the same time, ministers could not perform their basic duties owing to lack of funds. This failure was due to the following situations. First, negotiation between Korea and Japan had been held in Korean territory because the relation between Korea and Japan was determined unilaterally by Japanese policies toward Korea, not on the mutual basis. Furthermore, Korean Ministers to Japan were worried to be implicated in a political refugee case and be reft of their power after returning. So, they evaded appointment and refused to be dispatched even if they were appointed. Obviously, it was virtually difficult to select the people who specialized in diplomacy or had a power. Therefore Korean Ministers to Japan could not systematically collect comprehensive informations concerning Japanese domestic situation. Neither did they fully negotiate with Japanese government over the questions pending between two states. Subsequently, when exigent affairs occurred, Kojong dispatch amnesties temporarily but it didn’t make an effect well. In conclusion, Japan entered into The Protectorate Treaty with Korea in the disguise of those facts.

1. 머리말

2. 조병식의 임면 배경 및 경위

3. 성기운의 임면 배경 및 경위

4. 이용태·김승규의 미부임과 일본의 반응

5. 고영희의 임면 배경 및 경위

6. 조민희의 임면 배경 및 경위

7. 맺음말

