This study examined about 14 years of period from when Kim, Seong-suk returned to Shanghai in 1928 after failing his rebellion in Guangzhou until December 1941 when he joined the Korean Provisional Government by the breakout of the Pacific War. The first seven years of period (1928~1934) was the period of reconceptralizing ideology, writing, and working for public organizations in China. The last seven years of period (1935~1941) was when Kim returned to the independence movement as the conflict between China and Japan became intense. After failing his national revolution movement in China in December 1927, Kim actively participated in “the Rebellion of Guangzhou,” which was one of the serious armed rebellions of the communist party in China. When he returned to Shanghai, however, he kept a certain distance from the Chinese communist party and the Korean independence activists until 1934. He rejoined the nationalist movement around 1935. He organized the Federation of Korean National Emancipation. When the Sino-Japanese War broke out in 1937, Kim established the Federation of Korean National Front with the left nationalists. In the early 1939, the Federation began to organize a political party. Therefore, he moved from Guilin to Chongqing and started the unification movement. However, Kim’s idea had limits. If Kim, Ku and Kim, Won-bong, the leaders of the two major powers of the China Proper, did not comply with him, his unification movement would not have had any chance at all. The Pacific War gave Kim, Seong-suk the reason to join the Korean Provisional Government. He was able to participate in the Government without disorganizing his organization. In sum, Seong-suk Kim was one of the most recognized theoretists in the independence quarter from the 1920s to the 1930s. At that time, he converted from a fighter or secret activist into a strategic theoretist or politician. He promoted the unification movement to represent the voices of minority and arbitrated the federation of organizations as a politician.
1. 머리말
2. 조선민족해방동맹의 결성과 김성숙
3. 조선민족전선연맹과 김성숙
4. 맺음말