최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

해방~6·25전쟁 직전 시기 금융조합의 조직 재건과 그 중심인물

The change from Cooperative Credit Society to Financial Association after the Liberation(1945~1950)

  • 87

The Liberation gave Cooperative Credit Society a kind of chaos. Korean staffs of Cooperative Credit Society sought to find the ways for their stable status. The first effort was launching management organization in 25th September 1945. The members of management organization were a part of staffs of Cooperative Credit Society. The management organization appointed three person as advisor. Three advisors had experience studying in America. The management organization had expected that three advisors played a role of the bridge to the U.S. military government office. The second effort of Korean staffs of Cooperative Credit Society was a lobbying activity to win the U.S. military government support. As part of lobbying activity, Cooperative Credit Society submitted proposition in 7th october 1945 that contained both the past activity outline and the demand for the future. In the process of above efforts, the name was changed from Cooperative Credit Society to Financial Association(F.A.). Also in the result of above efforts, the U.S. military government took the favorable measures for F.A. The U.S. military government office decided that F.A. would be operated for a while as a financial institution by the rule made under the Japanese rule. The third effort of F.A. was to discuss on reform of F.A. within F.A. The members of F.A. discussed at the meeting of provincial subdivision chiefs in January, a provincial delegation meeting in April, and a branch directors meeting in July 1946. The main topic of these meetings was the change of name to a cooperative association. The fourth effort was to collect informations of the people s opinion about the rural economic condition, the movement of cooperative association, the political parties, and the administrative organizations. The fifth effort was to attain the mind of the people. Those are holdings of the ceremony of the anniversary of the Independence Movement of March lst and the anniversary of Korea’s Liberation, holdings of workshop, and publications of national language and national history. Korean staffs of the Korean Federation of Financial Association made every efforts. Consequently, they achieved success to seize and maintain power within it by aids of U.S. military government and Rhee Syngman, the president of the Republic of Korea.

1. 머리말

2. 외부의 금융조합 구조개편 시도와 금융조합 측의 대응

3. 해방 후 금융조합의 중심인물

4. 맺음말

