최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

일제하 그리스도교의 여성관과 여성교육

A View of Women and Women Education in the World of Christian Religion under the Japanese Rule of Korea

  • 26

At the time when Korea opened its ports in the late Yi-dynasty, each religion formed, developed and proliferated its own view of women. The foundation of women education was based on the idea of anti-feudalism, civilization and nationalism at that time. Compared with that period, the time I want to look into lacked the element of nationalism. Also even the elements of anti-feudalism and civilization were overwhelmed by the view of women by Japanese Colonial rule. The Women education by Christendom under the Japanese rule of Korea focused on the ideal of a good mother and a good wife. I think one of the duty of religion is to preserve the truth. Japanese occupation of Korea was against the way of the truth. Obviously Christendom did not set the right direction for women education, which reflected they did not do their duty as a prophet and the holder of the truth. Moreover Christianity is supposed to adapt itself to the missionary region. That comprises one of the goals of Christianity, which pursues the truth. Christianity should have done their best to improve women’s condition of life as well as the development of Korea. We can conclude that Christianity under the Japanese rule of Korea did not possess the right vision of Korean women education. But even if the world of Christian religion at that time had lots of limitation, but we should admit that there was some aspect where they contributed. That is they provided modern education to women, which was prohibited in the feudal system.

1. 머리말

2. 여성관

3. 여성교육관

4. 여성교육의 내용

5. 맺음말

