The Korean Volunteer Army acting within China, and Manchuria in the 1940s had a lot of commonality and difference compared to Northeast Anti-Japanese Allies acting around Manchuria and the Maritime Province from the late 1930s till the early 1940s. Especially, the Korean Volunteer Army clarified that they would concentrate all post-Manchuria activities on North-east Anti-Japanese Allies, making the Korean Volunteer Army as supplementary force, and push forward both alliance according to the activity line of ‘Northeast Lines’. However, studies showed such ‘Northeast Lines’ of the Korean Volunteer Army was substantially changed. Korean societies in North and South Manchuria were dominated by the Korean Volunteer Army, while Yanbian Region was initiated by the line of Northeast Anti-Japanese Allies. On one hand, there were a considerable discrepancy in ‘Northeast Base Theory’ of the Korean Volunteer Army, ‘(North Korea) Democratic Base Theory’ of the motherland returned Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied People or ‘Joseon Revolution Base Theory’. Korean Partisan Members organized as ‘Soviet 88 Sniping Brigade’ in the Soviet Maritime Province in Aug. 1942, were given Soviet Forces’ rank, who even existed as the unit force under the Chinese Communist called ‘Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Gyodoryeo’. Around 150 Koreans attached to this unit returned to North Korea after the Japanese collapse in their majority, sizable of whom exercised a great influence in Manchuria. The commander of Northeast Anti-Japanese Allied Gyodoryeo, a Chinese, Zhou, Baozhong(周保中) advanced into Manchuria with Soviet soldiers around early August, 1945, acted as the responsible person (secretary general) ‘Northeast Committee, Chinese Communist Party’, so Koreans from Northeast Anti-Japanese Allies early seized Yanbian region. To the contrary, the Korean Volunteer Army arrived in Shenyang even on Nov. 05, this year. But they gradually expanded their force in each Manchuria region under the lead of Central Northeast Division, Chinese Communist Party over the early next year from the end of 1945. The process was largely affected by the strong support, entry to Manchuria and expanded influence of Chinese Communist Party(Eight Road Forces). Immediately after the independence in 1945, Yanbian region was divided to the affiliated entities, local government, forces under the control of Korean leaders attached to Yanbian contingent of Northeast Anti-Japanese Allies such as Gang, Shin Tae(姜信泰). Especially, ex-officers went ahead in holding the political force in Yanbian by absorbing many Koreans and organizing a large scale self-defence organization before the Korean Volunteer Army occupied Manchuria.
1. 머리말
2. 조선의용대·조선의용군의 성립과 활동
3. 동북항일연군의 성립과 한인들의 활동
4. ‘東北抗日聯軍 敎導旅’의 성립과 활동
5. 해방 직전시기 동북항일연군의 중국공산당 중앙 인식과 終戰 대책
6. 동북항일연군·조선의용군의만주(연변)지역진출과 연변사회
7. 주보중의 ‘延邊 조선민족보고’와 한인들의 정착
8. ‘東北抗日聯軍 延邊分遣隊’와 조선의 용군 제5지대의 활동
9. 조선의용군과 동북항일연군의 상호인식
10. 맺음말