최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

朝鮮義勇軍(朝鮮獨立同盟)과 越南獨立同盟

The Korean Volunteer Army(Korean Independent League) and Vietnam Independent League

  • 48

The history of Korea is very similar to that of Vietnam. In modern times, Vietnam was defeated by France as was Korea by Japan. Their independence movements were very similar to each other as well. A number of patriots of both countries joined in the movement in China. Especially, there are many similarities between the Korean Volunteer Army(Korean Independent League) after Sino-Japanese War and Vietnam Independent League. Further, there are great possibilities of cooperation between the two countries during the events. As Sino-Japanese War broke out, Chinese Nationalist Party started supporting Korean patriots openly and directly. It supported Vietnamese patriots too. The Korean Volunteer Army, organized by Korea, was once headquartered in Guilin, which was comparatively close to Vietnam. Meanwhile, Vietnamese patriots too once worked in Guilin, and it is highly likely that the two groups cooperated. As Chinese Nationalist Party started attacking Chinese Communist Party extensively, however, the Vietnamese advanced southward to the border, while the Koreans went northward crossing the Yellow River. Thereafter, there was no cooperation between them until the end of the Pacific War. Even if the Korean Volunteer Army(Korean Independent League) and Vietnam Independent League were all led by communists, the most important goal was the independence of the nation. Particularly, the two countries tried hard to establish the association with the United States. Anyhow, Vietnam Independent League achieved success, while Korean Independent League failed. After the Pacific War, Vietnam Independent League successfully took over the country, but Korean Independent League failed in that regard.

1. 머리말

2. 중일전쟁과 朝·越 민족해방운동

3. 조선의용대와 호치민 그룹 간의 연대

4. 조선의용대의 북상과 호치민 그룹의 남하

5. 미국 변수의 등장과 朝·越

6. 맺음말

