The anti-Japanese struggle in the area of Dangjin was started against the forced Eulsa Treaty in 1905, became intense after the Korean army was dismissed in 1907, and then was continued right until the so-called Japan-Korea Annexation Treaty in 1910. One of the representative Rghteous Army leaders in 1906 was Choi Gu-hyun(崔九鉉), who was born in Maeyum-ri. He had passed the military service examination and was appointed as an official of the Kunbu(軍部, Ministry of Defense). He established a Byungochangeuidoso(丙午倡義都所) at Gijisi in April, 1906, and led the anti-Japanese struggles, including the attacks of Myuncheon(沔川) castle. Anti-Japanese struggle by Dangjin Rghteous Army during the later period was developed mainly by the Jung Ju-won(鄭周源)’s Righteous Army. Jung Ju-won started Righteous Army at Yongin, Gyeonggido region at the beginning, and then had a wide sphere of action between Gyeonggido and Dangjin. Intensive operations by the Dangjin Righteous Army had appeared since November, 1907. Dangjin righteous Army were bold enough to make attacks to the government offices at Dangjin and Myeonchon area. In addition, they occupied the downtown area of Dangjin and arrested the Korean policemen, whose uniforms and weapons were used by the Righteous Army in disguise. The Righteous Army attested the Japanese and carried a summary conviction. They also executed members of Iljinhwoe(一進會), who was the pro-Japanese group and lodged information against on the Righteous Army. The Righteous Army led by Hong won-sik(洪元植) at Sonanjido attacked the Myeonchon castle, but they were made a surprise attack by the Japanese police. About a hundred Righteous Army were killed or went missing in action. Dangjin Righteous Army utilized the geographical advantage, and struggled to resist while moving around several areas in Gyeonggido including Dangjin, Seosan, Taeahn and Hwaseong. They even recruited Sujeok(水賊, Sea Robbers) so that they could improve their fighting power, and that they could overcome the difference in social standing. Dangjin Righteous Army who struggled hard until 1910 has now been grasped. And the story of Sonanjido Righteous Army were revealed, which would otherwise be disappeared behind the history. It is highly expected that the spirit of devotion to our country and to our people by Dangjin Righteous Army should be transmitted from generation to generation.
1. 머리말
2. 중기의병기 唐津의병(1906~1907.7)
3. 후기의병기 唐津의병(1907.8~1910)
4. 맺음말