최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

독도에 관한 역사학계의 시기별 연구동향

The Current Research of Dokdo Island focusing on the Characteristics of Period in Korean Historical World

  • 46

In order to find a solution of Dokdo island problem which is one of the most sensitive controversy between Korea and Japan, we need to grasp accurately the the heart of a matter. How to arrange and analyze the study of Dokdo Island furnishes a key for try to prepare thesis and basis for policy making and to find a right solution on the next research. So, this study is to look around the current research of Dokdo Island focusing on the characteristics of period and on the basis of this to present the future research subject. The current research of Dokdo Island after 1945 can be classified into four parts -the quickening, interesting, culminating, spreading period. Since problems of Dokdo Island have been raised mostly by Japan’s territorial claims to Dokdo Island, this classification take into consideration that the study on Dokdo Island have been highly affected by the political and diplomatic circumstance between Korea and Japan. Though this classification may vary with researcher’s point of view, this study have meanings as a first treatise on current research of Dokdo Island focusing on the characteristics of period. As the point of view and cognition of Dokdo Island between Korea and Japan are conflicted with each other, first of all, we need to find historical evidences that Dokdo has been belonging to Korea in domestic and foreign. And then we have to suggest logics and methods which can interpret precisely and objectively the controversies between two countries on Dokdo Island problems. Specially, we need to develop the elaborate logics to criticize Japan’s territorial claims to Dokdo Island. Lastly we have to activate the disciplinary collaboration of Dokdo Island. Korean scholars have a notion that they have viewed Dokdo Island problems as the diplomatic or emotional issue. Therefore, in order to find a solution of Dokdo island problem, it is necessary to study organically history, geography, international law, linguistics, folklore etc.

1. 머리말

2. 독도 연구 태동기(1945~1964)

3. 독도 연구 관심기(1965~1982)

4. 독도 연구 고조기(1983~1995)

5. 독도 연구 확산기(1996~현재)

6. 맺음말: 독도 연구의 방향
