최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1920년대 사회주의사상의 수용과 一月會

The Introduction of Socialism and the January Association(一月會) in 1920’s

  • 101

On January 1925, January Association(一月會) cried out that the divided socialist movement should be united into one. Under the new realization of the importance of the ideological debate - that the national liberation movement might be both an economic struggle and a political, and at once an ideological-, it published 『Sashangwoondong(思想運動)』, but because of the oppression of the imperial Japan it had to change its editorial policy after January 1926. Thereafter Kwondoksa(勸讀社) had the responsibility for the introduction of the scientific theory by 『Sashangwoondong』. Kwondoksa had published all 9 pamphlets until 1927 that were laid stress upon the translation of both the original Marxist texts and the related texts which had a deep analysis on the capitalist mechanism. In 1926, Marx and Marxism, the translation version of Karl Marx and Scientific Socialism, the translation version of From Utopianism to Socialism as Science, were published. It is necessary to pay attention to these two translations, because they were be a great attempt to inquire into the system of Marxism through Marx and Engels, and Lenin. And January Association Group thought that Leninism should be a Marxism at the period of Imperialism and a true Marxism that could make Marxism more richer by coming to the settlement the theoretical and practical problems through the Marxist doctrines and methods.

1. 머리말

2. 일월회의 조직과 활동

3. 일월회의 맑스주의 인식

4. 맺음말

