쌈용 곰취 ‘다목이(Damogyy)’ 품종은 일반 곰취(Ligulariafischeri (Ledeb.) Turcz)를 모본으로 하고 한대리곰취(Ligularia fischeri var. spiciformis Nakai)를 부본으로 하여 인공교배를통해 육성하였다. ‘다목이’품종의 특성은 엽병귀의 색이 ‘곤달비’가 연녹색인데 비해 자주색을 띤다. 엽병에 ‘곤달비’는 털이없으나 ‘다목이’는 털이 약간 있다. 잎 뒷면에 ‘곤달비’와 같이 털은 없으나 광택이 없다. 또한 엽맥의 밀도는 ‘곤달비’가 3인 것에비하여 ‘다목이’는 4로 좀더 조밀하였다. 또한 생육특성을 보면1년차에는 초장이 46.9 ㎝, 엽장 19.1 ㎝, 엽폭 20.6 ㎝로 ‘곤달비’보다 컸으나 엽병장은 31.7 ㎝로 ‘곤달비’보다 작았다. 2년차, 3년차에도 같은 경향이었다. 추대기는 ‘곤달비’는 7월 중순이었으며, ‘다목이’는 8월 상순이었다. 개화기는 ‘2년차에 ‘곤달비’가8월 상순인 반면 ‘다목이’는 8월 하순이었다. 그러나 3년차에 개화시는 9월 10일로 ‘곤달비’보다 26일정도 늦었다. 엽수는 년차별로 많아졌으며 3년차에 주당 129매로 ‘곤달비’와 유사하였고수량도 년차별로 증가하여 3년차에 주당 1,889 g으로 ‘곤달비’ 보다 2배 정도 많았다. 잎의 경도는 28.3 kg/㎠로 ‘곤달비’보다많이 높았고, 잎의 두께도 0.71 ㎜로 ‘곤달비’보다 더 두꺼웠으며 흰가루병에 저항성을 나타내었다.
A new Gomchwi cultivar ‘Damogy ’ was bred by crossing between Gomchwi (Ligularia fischeri (Ledeb.) Turcz.) and Handaeri-gomchwi (Ligularia fischeri var. spiciformis Nakai). The selection and investigation of growth and yield characteristics were conducted from 2006 to 2011 in field and greenhouse of Highland Agriculture Research Institute, NICS, Rural Development Administration, Korea. On a newly developed cultivar ‘Damogy’, Color of petiole ear was purple, petiole trichome was exist, light of leaf back was not exist, and density of leaf vein was degree 4. Plant height, leaf length, leaf width and petiole length were 45.9, 16.9, 21.1 and 29.0 ㎝, respectively in the 3rd year in growth characteristics. Plant size was also higher than that of Gondalbi. Bolting and flowering time were Aug. 23th and Sept. 10th, respectively. In contrast, Gondalbi showed quite earlier bolting time more than 38 days compared with ‘Damogy’ and consequently earlier flowering time more than 26 day. ‘Damogy’ showed similar leaf number (129) per plant compared to ‘Gondalbi’ (130). Furthermore, yield was higher ‘Damogy’ (1,889 g/plant) than in ‘Gondalbi’ (798 g/plant). ‘Damogy’ showed higher leaf thickness (0.71 ㎜) than ‘Gonalbi’ (0.46 ㎜), and consequently showed more hardness in leaf characteristics (28.3 ㎏/㎠) compared with ‘Gondalbi’ (23.0 ㎏/㎠). ‘Damogy’ showed higher resistance in the susceptibility of powdery mildew disease compared to ‘Gondalbi’. ‘Damogy’ variety was registered plant variety protection right as a No. 89 on December 2015.
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