After the Liberation, the Taiwan area Korean society reduce the scale in 400~500 persons while group-repatriation of Korean which in 1946. And these In-repatriation Korean was center of that is center role of re-organized Korean society, The Korea Association in Taiwan(臺灣韓僑協會). While Taiwan’s confused circumstances in 1947, The Chinese National Government(中國國民政府) put in derequisition about ‘remaining use(留用)’ Japanese, Korean for Taiwan’s recoverment, among others people who want repatriation be returned home land. And The Chinese National Government(中國國民政府) was permit to issue a residence card(居留證) about the identity is positive and occupation is cleary Korean, on the one hand have policy of majority Korean is repatriated. This Korean control policy of The Chinese National Government(中國國民政府) to comparatively rigid rules keep in Taiwan, in actuality Korean who issued residence card(居留證) was crew·engineer·official and etc. majority was needed manpower about postwar days restoration of Taiwan. Formation early stage of The Taiwanese Korean Association(臺灣韓僑協會), the people who lead an association were staff of The Taiwan Marine Public Corporation(臺灣水産公社) or teacher, etc. decide for remain behind the Taiwan. These people increase mutuality friendship by The Taiwanese Korea Association(臺灣韓僑協會) and aim at stability life by cooperate to The Taiwan Province Government(臺灣省政府). The Korea Association in Taiwan(臺灣韓僑協會) reported the dwelling situation of the Korean, cooperated to issue a residence card(居留證), endeavor in settlement of the Korean. However The Chinese National Government(中國國民政府) request business alliance to The Korea Association in Taiwan(臺灣韓僑協會) against these people it did not loosen. The cause of this consequence is worked for control about illegality come-and-go Korean, as well as confused circumstances which is represented with The February 28 Incident in Taiwan is largely cause. The finally, formality foundation confirmation of The Korea Association in Taiwan(臺灣韓僑協會) is the possibility which it will become accomplished it was from make an application to pass in the year and a half. While breeze up wind of Kuokong neichan(國共內戰) in the China continent, Taiwan is bring into relief by new center place of The Chinese National Government (中國國民政府). And Taipei(臺北) became the activity stage of Korean politician, military personnel and the enterpriser etc. But the swirl of the Kuokong neichan(國共內戰) is threaten even Taiwan, the finally many people departed Taiwan again. But the Koreans of the majority which is not the possibility of leaving Taiwan, The Korea Association in Taiwan(臺灣韓僑協會) in the center occupy a lot and to live.
1. 머리말
2. 국민정부의 한인통제와 한인단체의 동향
3. 미귀환 한인의 유형과 대만성정부의 정책
4. 대만한교협회의 설립과 한인사회
5. 맺음말