최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

國民總力朝鮮聯盟의 사무국 개편과 官邊團體에 대한 통제(1940.10~1945.8)

The Reorganization of the Executive Office in National Total Chosun-Federation and its Statism on Official Organizations (1940.10~1945.8)

  • 31

The imperialist Japan controlled and reorganized the official organizations in order to operate the war basis preparing for the Pacific War. This article is intended to clarify that Chosun-Federation had an organic relationship with the other official organizations and took the lead in operating the war basis at the last stage of Japanese imperialism. In accordance with the spread of war and the increase of compulsory mobilization, Chosun-Federation tried to reorganize the executive office and accelerate the logic to justify the war and draw cooperation from people. Chosun-Federation controlled people by incorporating about 70 main official organizations. And some high-ranking officials or the related figures in the Chosun government-general could hold additional posts as a chief of these organizations. Officials of influential organizations could be a councilor of Chosun-Federation and participate in making decisions for Total Movement’s main points, and they applied these points to their organizations’ work. Chosun people showed aspects surrounded with the Chosun-Federation, the administrative and various kinds of organizations. They had to be patriotic group s members of Chosun-Federation and compelled to have a collective way of action and spirit as a member of another groups. The war basis of Japan and Chosun was constructed on the ideology and organizations. In Japan, the Emperor system ideology supported the war basis despite the fragility of DaishoIkchan-Organization(大政翼贊會) and the sectionalism of particular groups. But Chosun society shows the prevalence of a unitary and systematic organizations with the attack on both sides of ideology and organization. The national mobilization system and authoritarianism and nationalism of the Korean society after liberation, have roots in the compulsory mobilization system, standardization, collectivity and nationalism at the last stage of Japanese imperialism.

1. 머리말

2. 朝鮮聯盟 事務局의 改編과 論理

3. ‘內外地連絡會議’를 통한 總力運動의 조율

4. 관변단체의 통제와 활용

5. 맺음말

