최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1920년대 후반 광주지역 학생운동 조직의 발달

The Development of Late 1920 s Student Movement Organization in Kwang-ju area.

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Kwang-ju was the center of the traffic and education of southern Jeollado. Also the base of control-board of Japanese colonial plundering, and place that was Korean-Japanese trouble had elevated like Na-ju, and Yongsanpo. Kwang-ju public high school, Kwang-ju public agriculture school, JeonNam teacher training school etc. and middle school students had elevated class and anti-Japan consciousness by witnessing Japanese s plundering. In addition, Poorer system and quality of school facility and Japanese teachers colonial education compare to Kwang-ju middle school, which is Japanese school might had been stimulate the students more. In 1926 November, students of Kwang-ju public high school, and Kwang-ju public agriculture school had secretly organized social science research group called Syung-Jin-hwae by under stimulus of young-man s association and social science studying atmosphere. Syung-Jin Hwae(醒進會) was the first Student Movement Organization. Also student movement organization was Nationally Seoul centered, but by spread to district, it switched to secretly organize shaped, and it was leading foundation. And by time period, this organization founded earlier then Chosun Student Revolutionary Party and etc. in Seoul. But Syung-Jin-Hwae did not make any distinct movement after organized. And because of graduation of eading personals, this group had disorganized. Since then, in Kwan-Ju public high school, and Kwan-Ju public agriculture school, members of Syung-Jin Hwae had organized individual reading club. In this process Teacher Training School had organized the reading club, so the reading club had spread to all middle schools, and high schools in Kwan-Ju area. Those looked like influence of Coryo Young-man’s Communist Club. In 1927~1928, member of Coryo Young-man’s Communist Club Kang, hae-syuk, Ji, yong-soo, and etc. leading the reading organization and being connections between other school’s Reading Club. However, Coryo Young-man’s Communist Club had detected, and collapsed in August 1928, and members of the club had arrested, too. Thereafter, each school s Reading Club leaded by executor of Southern Jeolla Young-man s Federation, Jang, suck-chun and etc., then tried to organize cooperated society and searching for connected activities. This kind of individual school s Reading Clubs developed to Reading Organization by member of Syung-Jin-Hwea, Jang, Jae-sung’s counseling in June of 1929. The Reading Organization’s core had been formed by who leads research group of Kwan-Ju Public High School, Kwang-Ju Public Agriculture School, Jeonam Teacher Training School. After then, each school organized reading Organization, then the core started control equally. Each school s reading organization and organization’s core had been voluntary disorganized about September ~ October same year, so they could not do any activity. But members of Reading Organization leaded the demonstration on November and December that influent the Kwang-Ju Student Movement made national. All of these could happen because starting with Syung-Jin Hwae then organizing experience of Students Movement through Reading Club to Reading Organization’s Core had effected as motive power.

1. 머리말

2. 광주의 식민적 교육 여건

3. 사회과학 연구와 독서경향

4. 醒進會의 결성

5. 사회과학 연구모임의 활성화

6. 讀書會 中央部의 결성과 학생운동 조직의 발달

7. 맺음말

