최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중국의 역사과정표준 고등학교 실험역사교과서의 한국관련 서술

Descriptions of Korea in the Experimental History Text Books Followed by the History Curriculum Standards in China

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The most significant characteristic of the high school History text book published in 2004 by the guide lines of The High School History Curriculum Standards is to combine Chinese history and world history and to group it into politics, economy, ideology and culture, and science and technology. In the History text books published in 2000 by the guidelines of The History Program, Modern and Contemporary History of China is a required course and Modern and Contemporary History of World and Ancient History of China are elective courses. However, in the History text books published in 2003 by the guidelines of The History Curriculum Standards, more options are provided: History I, History II and History III are required courses and six sets of experimental History text books are elective courses. Descriptions of Korea in the new text books were fragmented and greatly reduced. Several parts were removed in the new textbooks, as follows: exchanges between Han and Qui Han, Suiyangdi attacked Koguryo, a close relationship between Tang and Shilla, and description about Balhea. The Choson Dynasty described in the text book Modern and Contemporary History of World was also deleted. Descriptions of modern Korea were also significantly reduced in the new text books. Description about The Sino Japan War was greatly reduced and the Righteous Army War and the 3.1 Independence Movement described in Modern and Contemporary History of World were all removed. As in the middle school experimental History text books, it seems the reduced descriptions of Korea in the high school History text books are due to the new publishing system in which overall volume has been reduced. However, it seems problematic that they only contain the Korean War describing Korea which is the closest neighboring country to China. When the Chinese experimental History text books combined Chinese history with a world history written mainly around Europe as a center, a significant amount of the history of the surrounding countries including Korea was deleted. For this reason, limited descriptions of Korea in regard to Chinese history only appear in the high school experimental History text books. Japanese history, the Meiji Restoration and some others are described only in the elective courses. When a diplomatic dispute occurs over content in a History text book, China responds by deleting the problematic part in the text book. However, this radical response does not help students understand the close relationship between Korea and China in politics and economics. The high school experimental History Elective I published by the People Education Press, denied that the Choson Dynasty was independent and described it as a vassal state of China. In the new text book the expression “the vassal states of China” was changed to “joint protected states of China and Japan”. This change reveals a passive image that the old text described as “China attacked by other countries” was changed to an aggressive image that the Qing Dynasty attacked other countries. This outspoken description of Chinese doctrine is more obvious in text books from the People Education Press, which description is greatly inferior to the old description about the surrounding countries. The government establishment of South and North Korea described in the experimental text from the People Education Press is described to be more favorable to North Korea than in the existing text books. The text books from the People Education Press and from Daisang Press add more detail about the Korean War that clearly states the war was between South Korea and the United States, and North Korean and China.

1. 머리말

2. 중국의 고등학교 『역사과정표준』

3. 한국고중세사 관련 서술

4. 한국근현대사 관련 서술

5. 맺음말

