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KCI등재 학술저널

중국관내지역 독립운동세력의 한국근대사 이해 일단

A Study of the Views on Korean Modern History of The Independence Movement Group in China

  • 32

The leaders and the groups of an independence movement published a pamphlet in commemoration of the anniversary of the Independence Movement of 1 March 1919, the National Foundation Day of Korea and the National Humiliation Day. It reflected the ideological and philosophical views on people, nation and revolution of the influential leaders of an independence movement under the rule of Japanese imperialism. Although their historial views were not elaborated in elegant style, it could be felt in between the lines that the power and the strength of their historical perception of Japanese rule in Korea based on their active movement. This made them to form their independence movement as a modern national movement. The future and the modern national system which they desired for the Koreans and the path for them to take in order to establish their desired vision called for dismantling of medieval principles and following the universal ways towards equality and freedom of all human beings in the modern world. They devoted their life, not to restore the monarchy Dynasty, but rather to build a society which guaranteed the people’s right of life and profit. And it was their strong pride and obligation they felt for their nation that helped them get through the hard days of resistance to Japanese imperialism. They recognized the nation as an essence of historical development and were convinced that it could not be loosed even in the midst of changing course of history. Even as a colony of Japanese imperialism, they believed firmly, Korea had a superior culture to Japan and strong potentiality to defeat Japanese regime. Their belief served as an emotional support for the Koreans to endure the hardship during the period of independence movement. There existed some differences in the independence movement groups on the understanding of modern Korean history according to their views on class and revolution. There was no opposition to reckon the Eulmi-Euibyung as a starting point of ‘an armed uprising for anti-Japan movement,’ but there existed different views on Gabsin-Jungbyun. Some leaders evaluated it as a ‘beginning of Korean Independence Movement’ and tried to analyze and learn the causes of the failure. Specifically the Korean Independence Party which regarded itself as the supporting power for the Korean Provisional Government designated the Enlightened Group (Gaewhapa) as their fountainhead. This sort of elitism contrasted to the views of the Chosun National Revolutionary Party(Chosun Minjok-Hyukmyungdang), which was in competition with the Korea Provisional Government and the right wing group of Korean Independence Party and put great importance on the ‘ability of public movement.’ The leftist nationalists did not agree with the Provisional Government’s historical views. They actively constructed popular movement in farmers, labourers, and students. And they also voluntarily regarded themselves as the leaders of the movements. This reflects the various and substantial recognitions on the history of the leaders of independence movements. However, it also provides the assumption for the causes of conflicts in independence movement groups which had different bases on their origins of hometown.

1. 머리말

2. 근대 민족주의에 대한 자각

3. 한국근대사에 대한 이해와 반성

4. 맺음말

