최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

조선공산당의 권력구상과 ‘조선인민공화국’

The embodiment of Korean Communist Party‘s power and Korean People s Republic’

  • 70

The Communists in Seoul and Kyung-ki Province, August 15, organized Korean Communist Party(Changan group, 장안파) by gathering a faction through a Revolutionist Conference. A majority of them have been the Communists left out from a campaign line since 1937. For this reason, August 18 1945, when Pak, Hun-young came up to Seoul and started activities, Changan group Communist Party was disturbed. Pak, Hun-young formed Reconstruction group(재건파) and took up rebuilding the Communist Party by organization that he led such as Kyungsung Com-group(경성콤그룹) and Hwayo group(화요회) etc. Changan group and Reconstruction group groped for unification through the Kyedong enthusiast Conference(계동열성자대회). Reconstruction group that overwhelmed most of Changan group by contacting it secretly tried absorbing it and achieved that task. Kyedong enthusiast Conference that should be unity place, however, got dishonor that it offered a chance new schism because of its compulsory and one-sided process. The impatience of the Korean Communist Party’s reorganization process also emerged in the proclamation course of Korean People’s Republic. Reconstruction group had publicized Korean People’s Republic with Preparatory Committee for National Construction(건국준비위원회) before Korean Communist Party was reorganized. Korean Communist Party embodied Korean People’s Republic as National united front including all people except the-Japanese group and traitor, being based on ‘People’s Government theory(인민정부론)’. But, it brought about a fault narrowing the extent of personnel and class base of the people’s government by presenting the support to Korean Communist Party as one necessary condition of the people’s government’s participation. In the situation which US Military Government denied Korean People s Republic and the most official of it refused to inaugurate, Korean People s Republic cannot be the complete group of the people’s government. As far as not regarding Korean People s Republic as complete power group, it was Korean Communist Party’s the most urgent business to strengthen itself to National united front based on the comprehensive populace. Korean Communist Party tried to participate in Dokchockjunghyp(독촉중협) led by Rhee Seung-man. But, because US Military Government and Dr, Rhee demanded the Korean People’s Republic’s breakup, Korean Communist Party abandoned participating in Dokchockjunghyp, therefore, was faced a risk. Since Provisional Government(임시정부) and Korean People’s Republic standed for governmental power, they seemed to be hostile each other fatefully. Yet, both had a similar policy such as state ownership of land and product agency, pursued National united front unification excluding traitors. Viewing this point, there was the possibility of cooperation between two. The problem was resulted from the adherence that Provisional Government demanded only legitimacy stubbornly, its weak consciousness that Korean Communist Party didn’t deliberate Provisional Government’s historical and symbolic struggle with Japan.

1. 머리말

2. 조선공산당의 재건과정

3. 인민공화국과 민족통일전선 방침

4. 맺음말

