This paper examines what kind of roles and action were played by the Provisional Government of the Republic of Korea(PGRK) immediately after the Independence when Korean peoples’ keen enthusiasm for national unification front reached its peak. Considering the plenty of research that have been done on the move of the PGRK, the present paper tries to investigate the main reasons for the failure of the PGRK by focusing on its position and roles instead of detailing its concrete move. In addition, this study investigates the influence of some conservative media, like Dong-A Ilbo and Chosun Ilbo on the move of the PGRK at that time. It was the media that mainly constrained the public opinion on the PGRK and the national unification front. Previous studies have apparently taken this issue lightly or overlooked, which caused substantial limitations of failing to have an understanding of the whole situations in those days.
1. 머리말
2. ‘해방’ 당시 임정의 국제적 위상
3. 임정의 환국과 통일운동
4. 신탁통치 파동과 임정의 통일운동
5. 맺음말