최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1950년대 중·후반 대한노총 중앙조직의 파벌대립 양상과 그 성격

Fractional Conflicts of the Federation of Korean Trade Unions in mid-1950s

  • 6

This thesis is considering the changes of the organization and the aspects of fractional conflicts of The Federation of Korean Trade Unions from the time when The Federation of Korean Trade Unions reorganied its system in accordance with the enactment of labor relation laws in 1953 to the time of establishement of system under the control of Kim Kiok(金琪玉) in 1958. Since 1954, The Federation of Korean Trade Unions had repeated confrontation and union between its fractions to get hegemony since Jeong Daecheon(丁大天) came into office, but finally Jeong Daecheon group got the power in accordance with the settlement of conflicts within The Liberty party. There was The Liberty party behind Jeong Daecheon group, which exercised its influence over the processes that Jeong Daecheon group held real power. The connection between The Liberty party and Jeong Daecheon group made The Federation of Korean Trade Unions subordinated to The Liberty party more deeply. Through such aspect, labor movement in the 1950s was bent and distorted. A drive to revise the regulations developed before Korean Representative Convention in 1958 was to decrease the power of Jeong Daecheon group with absolute support from The Liberty party. Through the convention, the 5-person representative system was reorganized into one-person representative system, and Kim Kiok became its chairman. The system under the control of Kim Kiok had very close connection to The Liberty party to maintain its power within The Federation of Korean Trade Unions and made a determination of allegiance to Rhee Syngman, the President. In the mid-1950s, people maintaining the independance from its subordination to The Liberty party were on the rise, and Chon Chinhan(錢鎭漢) dismissed by Rhee Syngman in 1952 got started to get his position back in The Federation of Korean Trade Unions. There were some factors with surely different movement line within The Federation of Korean Trade Unions at this point, but they had interrupted forms case by case rather than they had consistency in their movement line.

1. 머리말

2. 1950년대 중반기 파벌대립 양상

3. 1950년대 후반기 규약개정운동과 김기옥체제

4. 파벌대립의 성격

5. 맺음말

