Shanghai was the headquarters of an independence movement in foreign countries where KPG(Korean Provisional Government) was established. KPG made efficient use of Shanghai as a foreign concession where there was a dynamic international relationship. Moreover the Korean society in French foreign concession supported a family of independence activists and the resistance to Japanese. As KPG left Shanghai, the pro-Japanese group, KRA, was set up in the Hongkou area after the patriotic deed of Martyr Yun Bongil, April, 1932. KRA carried out a colonial educationing to the second Korean generation by building an education institute and supported Japanese soldiers who fought a battle in the rear in a way of mobilizing Koreans. On the other hand, KRA was integrated into JPA(the Japanese Residents Association) in March, 1941 as a movement that suggested that Koreans and Japanese are in the same body, influenced by Shanghai form 1941. After that unification, the KRC(Korean Residents Club) was set up and the purpose of the organization was actually mobilizing Korean in the movement. Although KRA was broken up for the movement, the organizational base was taken over to KRA and Korean residents after the independence day, 15th, August, 1945.
1. 머리말
2. 일제의 上海韓人 정책
3. 上海居留朝鮮人會의 성립
4. 上海居留朝鮮人會의 활동
5. 맺음말