This paper is the first attempt to study the Sino-Korean People’s League (SKPL) of Hawaii. The association had a great influence on Korean national movement and America s establishment of Korean policies during the early period of World War II. Kilsoo K. Haan (1900-1973), among others, drew attention from the American press by his activities against the Japanese colonial rule. He became more famous by predicting the breakout of the Pacific War. It was SKPL that made this kind of Kim s activities possible. The research of Kilsoo K. Haan has been conducted quite prolifically by many researchers within and outside of Korea. Interestingly, however, SKPL, which provided the background and foundation of Kim s activities has not received its due attention. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the reality of SKPL through newspapers, magazines published by the Korean-American community in the States and documents of the State Department and FBI. Furthermore, this paper examines the SKPL ranging from its establishment, purpose, organization, members, significant activities to the change and collapse of the association. Through the current study we can understand the trend and characteristics of Korean national movement performed in America prior to the liberation of Korea.
1. 머리말
2. 결성 시기와 목적
3. 조직과 임원진
4. 주요 활동
5. 조직 변화와 해체
6. 맺음말