최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

1920년대 후반 일제의 경제침략과 간도지역 농업의 상업화

Japanese Economic Invasion and Commercialized Agriculture in Kando in Late 1920s

  • 16

After 1910, commercialized agriculture was amplified in Kando area because of the economic invasion of Japnese government and this led the products from Kando to be in the world market. However, this did not help neither the petty farmers and the tenants nor the economic growth of Kando. Especially after 1925, there was the single corp farming with the development of mercialized agriculture focused in beans, which brought the progress in productive capacity. However, this was the result from the extortion of serfs based on the pettiness of agriculture and the intensiveness of labor from it. This made the development from large scaled administration of rich agriculture in Kando impossible, thus it also brought the amplified reconstruction of a caustic paid by labor as the commercialized economic grew. The active field of commercial loan sharking was amplified as the commercialized economic penetration became real, and it also accelerated the unsettledness and the corruption of the tenants. From late 1920s, the Japanese capital grasped the Kando economy as it started controlling the Chinese and Korean landlords. In short, the commercialization and the change of Kando agriculture did not make Kando economy thrive and it also made the most productive economy which was the one of Korean agriculture households corrupt as it caused Kando economy to be a surbodinate to the economy of imperialism.

1. 머리말

2. 간도농업사회의 형성과 자연경제적 농업구조

3. 상업적 농업의 확대와 농업구조의 변화

4. 농업의 상업화와 농민경제의 몰락

5. 맺음말

