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KCI등재 학술저널

일본 중학교 역사교과서 2005년도 검정본 분석

An Analysis of Japanese Textbooks published in 2005 : with special focus on japanese imperial rule period and modern korean-japanese relations

  • 22

In the year 2005 were in Japan continuously published textbooks presenting distorted views on various historical issues. Among those raising the most disputes were books published by the Fusosha Publishing Company, which are covering up, or providing justification for Japanese occupation of Korea, exploitation of Korean people and violent enforcement of Japanese colonial administration. Remarkable is also their negative approach toward universal peace values and appraisal of warfare as such. These interpretations of Japanese history are gaining their influence among the right-leaning part of Japanese population and are providing ideological support for many of the neo-colonialists sentiments. Compare to the past situation before 2001 is also obvious the change to more nationalistic, but at the same time more sophisticated arguments. Question of course is, what should Republic of Korea in this situation do. What we can see now is the lack of direct approach toward these question on governmental, but not less on non-governmental level. So what is probably the most necessary for reaching any agreement in the disputes is practical and unbiased approach focusing on the core of the problem, well aware of the fact that the issue of historical textbooks is long-term process requiring good will on both sides. The Japanese opposition toward settling those issues is also influenced by the fact that Japan, relying in foreign policy mainly on United States, feels no urging need for improving her relations with other neighbouring asian countries, especially with Republic of Korea and China, so unless like the european case of german historical reconciliation with victims of nazism, Japanese foreign policy is trying to avoid moral issues be related to international relations.

1. 머리말

2. 2005년도 검정본의 특징

3. 1910-1945년에 관한 역사인식

4. 1945년 이후에 관한 역사인식

5. 맺음말

