최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

녹화 처리기간에 따른 황기, 석결명, 술패랭이꽃 및 질경이 새싹채소의 항산화 효과 변화

Changes of Antioxidant Effects According to Greening Period of Astragalus membranaceus var. membranaceus, Senna occidentalis, Dianthus longicalyx, and Plantago asiatica Sprout Vegetables

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새로운 항산화 기능성 새싹채소를 개발하고, 항산화효과가 우수한 재배 조건을 구명하기 위하여 황기, 석결명, 술패랭이꽃, 질경이 새싹채소의 재배 중 녹화기간에 따른 항산화효과 변화를 분석하였다. 연구의 결과, 종에 따라 광합성이 항산화능에 미치는 영향이 각기 다르게 나타났다. 황기 새싹채소는 총 폴리페놀 함량은 녹화 0일, 총 플라보노이드 함량은 녹화 3일째에 가장 우수하였으며, DPPH radical 소거능은 녹화 0일, ABTS radical 소거능은 녹화 1일, Fe2+ chelating효과는 녹화 0일, 지질과산화 억제활성은 녹화 3일째에 가장 우수하였다. 석결명 새싹채소는 2일 녹화했을 때 항산화물질 함량이 높고 radical 소거능이 우수하였으며, Fe2+ chelating효과는 녹화 0일, 지질과산화 억제활성은 녹화 1일째에 가장 우수하였다. 술패랭이 새싹채소는 녹화 3일 째에 항산화물질 함량이 높고, Fe2+ chelating 효과가 우수하였으며, radical 소거능과 지질과산화 억제 활성은 녹화시키지 않았을 때 가장 우수하였다. 질경이 새싹채소의 항산화물질 함량 및 radical 소거능은 녹화 2일째에 가장 우수하였으며, Fe2+ chelating 효과는 녹화 0일, 지질과산화 억제활성은 녹화 3일째에 가장 우수하였다. 연구의 결과, 식물 종에 목표로 하는 항산화 효과에 따라 광합성이 미치는 영향이 다르므로, 식물 종과 원하는 항산화 효과에 따라 재배 방법을 달리해야 할 것으로 생각되었다.

The potential use of 4 plant species, Astragalus membranaceus var. membranaceus, Senna occidentalis, Dianthus longicalyx and Plantago asiatica, as new sprout vegetables with high antioxidant function was examined in the present experiments. Seeds of above plants were allowed to germinate under light condition, and seedlings were maintained under dark condition for shoot growth in length for contain period of time. Then the seedlings were put under light for photosynthesis (greening treatment) for the period of 0~3 days. Samples were collected to analyze the changes in antioxidant levels and activity, and it was observed that antioxidant substances were affected by greening treatments, depending on plant species. In A. membranaceus, the contents of total polyphenol was highest with no greening, total flavonoids with 3 days greening, DPPH radical scavenging effects with no greening, ABTS scavenging with 1 day greening, Fe2+ chelating effects with no greening, and inhibitory activity against linoleic acid peroxidation with 3 day greening. In S. occidentalis, highest levels of antioxidant activity and radical scavenging effects were obtained by 2 day greening, Fe2+ chelating effects by no greening and inhibitory activity against linoleic acid peroxidation by 1 day greening. In D. longicalyx, highest levels of antioxidant activity and Fe2+ chelating effects were obtained by 2 day greening, Fe2+ chelating effects by no greening and inhibitory activity against linoleic acid peroxidation by 1 day greening. In D. longicalyx, highest levels antioxidant activity and Fe2+ chelating effects were observed with 3 day greening, and highest radical scavenging effects and inhibitory activity against linoleic acid peroxidation with no greening treatment. In P. asiatica, antioxidant activity and radicals scavenging effects were highest with 2 day greening, whereas highest chelating effects was obtained with no greening and highset inhibitory activity against linoleic acid peroxidation with 3 day greening. As the length of greening treatments influenced the antioxidant levels and function in plant species tested in this experiments, different culture methods are recommended for different plant species to get maximum health benefits out of sprout vegetables.


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