농촌진흥청 국립농업유전자원센타로부터 국내외에서 수집되어진 피마자 40종을 분양받아 바이오디젤 가능 작물로서 생육 특성을 조사한 바 그 결과는 다음과 같다. 피마자 수집종의 출아소요일수는 15~16일에 82.5%가 출현하였으며, 출현에서 개화까지의 소요일수는 63~68일이었다. 경장의 분포는 전체 평균이 211.8 cm로 173~251 cm의 변이폭을 보였으며, 줄기 굵기는 평균 24.2 mm로 20.4~24.9 mm가 52.5%로 가장 많이 분포하였다. 절수는 평균 18.9개 였으며 그 범위는 13~22개로 넓게 분포하였다. 삭수는 주당 7~33개로 폭 넓게 분포하였으며, 종실 1ℓ 무게는 평균 502.9 g으로 최소 432.3 g, 최대 572.5 g로 140.2 g의 큰 차이가 있었다. 100립중은 최소 20.3 g에서 최대 38.3 g으로 소립종과 대립종 간 18.0 g의 많은 차이를 보였다. 주당 종 실수는 최소 72개에서 최대 1,011개로 큰 차이를 보였으며, 평균 465.2개이었다. 주당 종실수량은 평균 128.1 g이었으며, 최저 20 g, 최고 266.2 g으로서 다양하게 분포하였다.
This study was carried out to evaluate ecological growth characteristics of forty castor bean collections for biodiesel utilization. The emergence date and it s rate of collections was 15-16 days and 82.5%, respectively. It took 63-68 days from emergence to flowering. Stem length was ranged from 173 to 251 cm with an average 211.8 cm. The average stem diameter was 24.2 cm, and showed the high occurrence as 52.5% at the 20.4-24.9 cm. The node number was widely distributed as 13-22 and the average node number was 18.9. The seed numbers were widely distributed as 7-33ea, and the average liter weight of seed was 502.9 g of which minimum weight was 432.3 g and maximum weight was 572.5 g, and the gap between maximum and minimum was 140.2 g. It showed high difference. The 100 grain weight was distributed as 20.3 g-38.3 g which showed high differences between small grain and large grain collections. The seed numbers per plant were varied as 72 at the minimum and 1,011 at the maximum number, and average seed number was 465.2. The total yields of seed per plant were varied as 20 g-266.2 g, and the average yields were 128.1 g.
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