최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

질소종류 ならび 질소시비량の 상위が 생육 , 생리 , 수량병びに 각 엑끼스 (エキス) , Ligustilide , Butylidene phthalide 함량に급ぼす영향

Effect of various kind and amount of nitrogen fertilizers on the Plant growth , physiological , yield and extracts .ligustilide, butylidene phthalie contents of crude drug Tou-Ki (Angelica acutiloba Kitagawa

The effects of various kind and amount of nitrogen fertilizers on the plant grorth. physiological , yield and extracts. ligustilide, butylidene phthalide contents of curdsdrug Tou-ki (AnTelica acutiloba Kitagawa) were investigated in 1989. Five plots variouskind of nitrogen fertilizers. Namely, no nitrogen, urea. ammonium nitrate, ammoniumchloride and control plot of ammonium sulfate. The other, by providing five plotsdifferent composed ratio of nitrogenous fertilizers. containing no nitrogen (No. o) .0.5-fold nitrogen (No s), control plot of 1.0-fold nitrogen(Nl.o). 1.5-fold nitrogen(Nl s)and 2.0-fold nitrogen Na. o), but nitogen was used the ammonium sulfate. The results showedthat the crude drug Tou-ki can ammonium chloride be produced in good yield, displayingboth good plant growth and remarkable physiologically-active conditions, and it can beproduced such that the extracts is maximized. Additionally, using methods of gaschromatography (GC) , it was established that ligustilide and butylidene phthalide, majorcomponents in the crude drug was recovered in a good yield from the fully grown plants.The other, the plant growth, the physiologically-active, the weight of whole plant, theyield of extracts and ligustilide, butylidene phthalide were seen to be best at the plotof 2.0-fold nitrogen and according to the increase or decrease of nitrogen decreasedgradually. Therefore. about 2 fold of standard quantity seems to be the most suitablequantity of nitrogen for Tou-ki cultivation .uot;Tou-ki cultivation .ion.
