Research has found that the management of the host plant is essential to mistletoe cultivation. A Trunk injection test on the host plant that contained a mixture of indole-3-butryc acid (IBA) and liquid fertilizer was conducted with respect to the improvement of the one year survival rate of mistletoe. As a result, the trunk injection experiments showed the effect of the IBA and liquid fertilizer mixture in all treatments. This mixture was effective to increase the survival rate of mistletoe by 20% with the IBA at 100 ㎎/L and Hyponex at 100 ㎎/L. The examination proved that the host plant fertilizer effect was the most effective treatment for organic fertilizer with 60% added NPK (4-2-1). Its effects were higher compared to the control at the length and diameter of one-years-old branches in the host plant, even when the parasitic mistletoe improved its growth in length, diameter, and number of branches. Comparing the control and host plant fertilizer, the latter was the most effective way to process 20 ㎏ per a treatment effect in the experimental site and to process at any time after the inoculation. This treatment is effective to improve the growth of mistletoe by watering the host plant three times per week. Therefore, the management of the host plant is an essential element in the successful cultivation of mistletoe, not only to supply fertilizer and plant hormones to the host plant in the initial inoculation time but also to provide organic fertilizer and irrigation for the host plant.
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion